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  3. N4 For NDI
  5. Encoding Parameter Configuration
  6. Basic settings

Basic settings

NDI is a protocol developed by NewTek which is used for video-over-IP transmission in LAN with features of high quality and low latency. Set NDI related parameters in “Basic settings”


  • Group:To configure the devices to a group, the name of the group can be the combination of characters and figures. To configure multiple groups is allowed and the group names should be separated by comma(,). The default group name is “public”.
  • Device Name: The device name of NDI source.
  • NDI channel name: When there are multiple NDI sources in the same network, as the default channel names are the same, so it’s required to modify the channel name with different parameters to identify each device correctly.
  • Audio source:Default is HDMI embedded audio. Selecting analog audio input is not valid. Analog audio input can’t be encoded as audio source, only for intercom.
  • Volume: For gain adjustment of input line-in audio or HDMI embedded audio.
  • Encoding quality: When the encoding quality is reduced/increased, the encoding quality and encoding bitrate will also be lowered/increased.

Note:It’s not required to save after modifying the device group, device name and channel name. After the modification, it will take effect immediately if clicking on other places on the web page.

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